Factors affecting contemporary architectural design and its relationship to the Pharaonic architectural heritage




Abstract: There are many factors that influence contemporary architectural design, and despite their multiple and different classification methods, they can be divided into three main factors: physical, human and civil factors, in addition to contemporary factors. The research seeks to study the effect of these factors on the architectural heritage of the Pharaonic civilization, in order to answer the question: Did these factors have an impact on the architectural heritage of the Pharaonic civilization as it affected contemporary architecture? This is to test these factors as evaluation criteria for the Pharaonic civilization and the rest of civilizations in general. Research purpose: The factors affecting the architectural design process - through which the design components of the architectural work are understood - are categorized in more ways than one. These factors are used to evaluate the contemporary architectural product, and the research seeks to evaluate architectural heritage works according to these factors in order to obtain evaluation criteria by which the architectural products of different civilizations can be evaluated. Research problem: Evaluating architectural work without looking at the factors surrounding the design and implementation process is a kind of inequity for the architectural work and for the architect itself. The refore, the research seeks to monitor the factors affecting pharaonic architectural work in general. The assessment of the ancient Egyptian architectural work is based on these factors. Research methodology: In order to achieve the goal of the research, the research takes the historical approach in order to monitor the factors affecting the ancient Egyptian architectural work and the extent to which these factors affect the ancient Egyptian architectural product.
